Erickson Meadowview
SubsidizedUnits in Building
Rent Rates
1-Bedroom: $627-705
2-Bedroom: $657-735
Pet Friendly
About this home:
Erickson Meadowview is located in a quiet location on the edge of town. This friendly little neighborhood offers the many benefits of living in rural Minnesota with great parks, a growing community, and good school district with the school located in Olivia. The 1- and 2-bedroom units are well maintained with on-site laundry, off-street parking, lawncare, and snow removal. Water, sewer, and garbage included in the income-based rent. An outdoor picnic area with tables is also available to residents. Rental Assistance may be available for qualified applicants. Income guidelines apply for residence qualification. Contact Madeline at 320-269-6640 ext. 231 or [email protected] for more information. TTY 711
Apply Today!
A non-refundable $25 per adult application fee is required. For all adult household members, verification of Social Security number (Social Security card, signed Taxes, etc…) and date of birth (photo ID or birth certificate) must be provided. For all applicants under the age of 18, verification of Social Security number (Social Security card) must be provided. All applicants who are not US Citizens will also need to provide immigration documentation.
Click Here for Application